
Learning in motion


On July 19th, we will host a special workshop which will combine learning German with movement. It will address haptic learners in particular, who enjoy learning most when they can get active themselves.

Öykü Kaygusuz, teacher for German as a foreign language, will hold this workshop for you. She works at Berlin’s Technical University, focusing on the preparation of young adults who prepare for their MINT-studies. Joyful movements will help you memorise and internalise German structures.

Öykü’s passion for contemporary dance will be reflected in her seminar.


Experimental in nature, this workshop will include a feedback session so it can be developed further.

Öykü cannot wait to learn German with you in motion.

Language level:  A2 – B1, all ages
When? 19th July, 14:00 – 15:30h
Where? Transmitter
What to bring : appetite for movement, comfortable clothing

Sign up HERE

We are looking forward!!