
Meet the newest member of our team: Andreas

Meet Andreas! Andreas is the newest member of our team and will be taking over Laura’s A2.2 class starting in June. In addition to that, he will be working in the office and would be happy to help you out with any questions concerning enrollment or organization.



In a world drifting apart, where tension emerges in a clash of conflicting political, ideological and personal values, whether behind closed doors or in the form of political action, it is more urgent than ever to send out a clear message. Current issues such as the crisis in Greece and the Ukraine conflict reveal just how fragile the fabric of Europe and, ultimately, the fabric of our whole world is.


Vu’s queer book tip: Die Mitte der Welt

This time, we’d like to go way back:
While most of the books and podcast tips we share are up-to-date or the latest releases, we thought we’d travel back in time – for the nostalgia. Let’s take you back to the nineties and talk about this gem among the young adult books – and no, not everything was trashy back then. 🙂
Find out more about Vu’s reading tip.

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What to read – „The World of Yesterday“

Our teacher Robert has gone to great lengths to write an informed and informative book review for our students. In this article, he introduces you to the book „Yesterday’s World,“ an autobiographical work by the well-known Austrian author Stefan Zweig (1881-1942).
If you want to learn more about German-language literature of the early 20th century, it is impossible to avoid this author and his work.

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Teacher Interview: Eva

Some of you already know Eva since she’s been teaching with Transmitter for a while now. This upcoming September, Eva will teach a new A1.1 evening course and in October, she will take on a new intensive course at Transmitter (B2.1). Of course, we prepared a few questions for her so that you can get to know her better 🙂



„Traute haben“
„You are scared of Hermannplatz!“ – an ironic and provocative quote circulating among the young hipsters and printed on surfaces of all kinds ranging from tote bags to decorative pins throughout the city.
Hermannplatz is the gateway to Neukölln, a kaleidoscope of various cultures and backgrounds, where Kreuzberg meets Neukölln, where old Berliners meet immigrants and a hip, urban audience faces the reality of a social hotspot.


Online exhibition: The pulse under my skin

THE PULSE UNDER MY SKIN was presented from April 1 to April 18, 2021.
The online presentation of art works was 
dedicated to the question of how the current circumstances have changed and affected our social and private lives, work and creativity. Following our exhibition program we usually host at Transmitter, we presented an online version of our art program this year.

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Teacher interview: Robert is in India!

Our dear colleague Robert has been in India for a while now, teaching German, traveling and discovering India. So cool, right? We asked him a few questions about how the trip came about and how he is doing. Of course, we also wanted to know when he would be back at Transmitter. Click here to read the Interview.

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